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Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов


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  • Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

    MVik писал(а) Mon, 16 October 2006 03:18
    Милая несси (ну вы выглядите довольно мило на аватаре ) я случайно вышел на ваш вопрос по той ссылке, что пришла мне на майл. если честно то я завязал со всеми инет форумами год назад а может больше - в реальной жизни интересного намного больше, чем в виртуальной. Опять же - извиняюсь, что использовал ник жены. Просто я свой пароль уже и не помню - так что разрешите представиться - я DeusX. Знаете - я почему все таки решил ответить - смешная ситуация выходит. Я в реальной жизни где-то года три назад встретился с совершенно такой же реакцией на мой вопрос о возможных источниках помощи. И знаете что удивительно - ответ был точно таким, какой вам дали тут некоторые доброжжелатели ( или доброжжигатели? ) . Самое интересное, что ответ такого плана дал мне человек, работа которога была заниматься оказанием благотворительной помощи тем людям, кто в этом нуждается. Тот человек в сердцах ударил себя в грудь (вроде 4-й номер) и сказал, чуть не задыхаясь от негодования, вот тут всякие помощи просят, а мы. такие труженники налоги платим, коими эта помощь и оказывается... Как я уже заметил выше, работа, с которой этот человек и платил эти самые налоги, как раз таки и заключалась в оказании этой самой помощи! Правда - парадокс! То есть именно окзание помощи, позволявшее этому субьекту получать жалование и соответственно, платить с этого жалования налоги, именно этот факт оказания помощи служил для него сильнейшим раздражителем. А ответ на мой вопрос, а почему это так раздражает вышеуказанного ( ную ) владелицу 4-го номера, был на удивление предсказуем. "потому что я с мужем ( Муж программер) зарабатываю намного больше, и это не позволяет мне получать по конце года возврат уплаченных налогов, более того, мы всегда еще и должны, а им (тем кто в лоу инкамах) еще и денежки возвращают..." - таков был ответ работника благотворительной организации. То есть попросту жаба душила человека с 4-м номером, как же так - мы вот тут вроде бы и работаем на неплохих местах, куем биг бакс в полном обьеме, а этим уродам малобюджетным еще и помогает кто-то. Пусть землю грызут, пашут на трех работах лоу левела ( гавнишко за нами, белыми поприбирают ) , а то вишь млин, помощи захотели. И вспоминились мне тут некоторые знакомые из баптистских семей. Ну это там где 14 (или 7) человек детей - ну вы знаете - у них почему-то детей всегда очень много в семьях. Муж из грузовика не вылазит (или со стройки), пытаясь хоть как-то детей прокормить и одеть, и чтоб заметте, одеть так в школе дети первой категории родителей ( тех, что с белыми ладонями и без мазолей ) не дразнили их убогими и нащими. И пашут такие парни, намного напряженнее даже тех гастарбайтеров, что строили пирамиды в Египте во времена фараонов. И для таких семей все эти виды финансовой помощи как от штата так и от федерального бюджета как раз и позволяет несколько уравнивать шансы и сами условия существования. За что кстати, самой системе социальной защиты Соединенных Штатов респект особый. Мне лично более приятно видеть ухоженных детишек из многодетных семей некоторых моих знакомых, радосто бегущих в школу или колледж, чем представить ситуацию, когда бы эти детишки в рванье побирались бы по помойкам, угоняли бы машины и торговали бы дурью у порогов привелигированных школ тех самых беложопых родителей, которым так впадлу, что их деньги расходуются так непродуктивно... Непродуктивно для них самих. Ибо для них все что не касается их собственного благополучия - заведомо неправильное есть действо, а потому достойно осуждения и порицания... Я же буду только горд тем фактом, что часть моих налогов уйдет и в том числе на помощь и этим детишкам, и просто людям , кто в ней нуждается. Потому как я хочу видеть рядом со мной больше людей счастливых, нежели нисчастных. Исходя из этого замечания, уважаемая Несси, плюньте вы на выпадки тех, кто рвет на себе рубаху и кричит: "мля я плачу налоги - харе млин мои деньги транжирить - иди пахай". Ибо есть не зря поговорка в народах разных, аналогичная нашей - "от сумы да от тюрьмы не зарекайся" . Другими словами - у каждого и у вас может возникнуть ситуация, когда вы не сможете обладать достаточным финансированием (хотя с вашей приятственной внешностью это маловероятно ) для того. чтобы достойно поддерживать свой прожиточный минимум. И тут то вам и понадобиться вся информация о возможных бенефитах и прочих видах вполне законной и понятной помощи. Поэтому спрашивайте и не стесняетесь и не реагируйте на выпадки ущербных душой. Как говориться - лучше быть подготовленным к тому, чего никогда не случиться, чем умереть от жажды в пустыне, не зная того, что за соседним барханом пышный оазис. И Бог вам в помощь (хоть в Бога я сам уже давно не верю) а также система социальной помощи США тоже вам в помощь - ведь она то как раз и существует, чтобы помогать людям в сложных ситуациях. Пользуйтесь и не стесняйтесь.

    Согласен с Вами и поддерживаю! Если законом предусмотрена социальная помощь для конкретной категории лиц и ты полностью соответствуешь предъявляемым критериям, то ты вправе воспользоваться данной социальной помощью, и никакой налогоплательщик не отнимет это твоё право. Тем более, что уплаченные налоги являются собственностью государства, а не налогоплательщика, соответственно, государство (собственник) самостоятельно решает кому и какую помощь оказывать и куда направлять свои деньги. Согласитесь, что мягко говоря, некорректно, считать не свои деньги и указывать куда их расходовать. Недовольные налогоплательщики вправе винить своих представителей (депутатов, конгрессменов), которые санкционировали эти "нерациональные" расходы на поддержку беременных и многодетных семей.

    Так как некоторых налогоплательщиков волнует тема "нерационального" расходования их бывших денег, можно порекомендовать таким налогоплательшикам - всё их недовольство и возмущение направить на борьбу с (рациональными?) военными расходами на войну в Афганистане, Ираке, др. малоизвестных военных конфликтов, что составляет многократно большую сумму, чем те расходы, так сильно задевшие их чувства.

    В контексте вышесказанного предлагаю делиться в этом топике любой информацией о видах социальной помощи (федеральной, местной и т.д.) для вновь прибывших иммигрантов и опытом получения государственной и иной помощи. А воспользоваться или нет своим правом на получение помощи, предоставить возможность решать самим вновь прибывшим иммигрантам.

    Все выигравшие в лотерею DV, как Green Card holders, имеют все права граждан США, за исключением избирательного права, т.е. они не могут избирать и быть избранными.

  • #2
    Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

    MikeS, ну почему Вы так категоричны? Социальная помощь - это ведь не только вэлфер, а более широкое понятие. И не только для эмигрантов, но и для коренных жителей. Финансовая помощь для обучения, MediCare, програмное жилье для стариков (ведь и такие приезжают). "деньги на жизнь на первое время" это понятие относительное, как и относительно понятие "первое время".


    • #3
      Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

      MikeS писал(а) Thu, 18 January 2007 12:16

      Знаешь, почему у людей такая реакция? Потому что по большому счету "вновьприбывшие иммигранты", которые в первый же день бегут обращаться за помощью, являются ПРЕСТУПНИКАМИ. Когда они проходили интервью, то они КЛЯЛИСЬ, что у них есть деньги на жизнь на первое время. То есть они ЗАВЕДОМО ЛГАЛИ на интервью. А это уже является преступлением.
      Я лично знаю как минимум 3 (три) семьи, которые не предоставляли никаких финансовых доказательств на интервью, а прошли только за счёт своего образования и/или профессии. Объясните же, уважаемый MikeS, В ЧЁМ ОБМАН??? Если у Вас были деньги и Вы прошли, это не значит что у всех так. Не обобщайте, пожалуйста!


      • #4
        Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

        fisherman писал(а) Thu, 18 January 2007 15:30
        Финансовая помощь для обучения, MediCare, програмное жилье для стариков (ведь и такие приезжают).
        Fisherman, скорее Medicaid, чем Medicare...


        • #5
          Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

          Dmitry_CA, наверное все-таки MediCare. Вытащил детские пластики: Medical Care Program, с магнитной лентой. И ещё Amerigroup. Когда оформляли медицину детям, нам в офисе предложили талоны (купоны) для нашего малого на доп. питание, зелень, фрукты, соки и т.п. Ему тогда еще 5-ти не было. Мы не просили, честное слово, мы о программе WIC ни слова не слышали. Ну мы и не отказывались сильно.


          • #6
            Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

            MikeS писал(а) Thu, 18 January 2007 15:16

            Знаешь, почему у людей такая реакция? Потому что по большому счету "вновьприбывшие иммигранты", которые в первый же день бегут обращаться за помощью, являются ПРЕСТУПНИКАМИ. Когда они проходили интервью, то они КЛЯЛИСЬ, что у них есть деньги на жизнь на первое время. То есть они ЗАВЕДОМО ЛГАЛИ на интервью. А это уже является преступлением.

            1) Ни тебе и ни другим «старым иммигрантам» судить вновь прибывших иммигрантов, не суди, да не судимым будешь. Если новые иммигранты ущемляют, нарушают какие-либо права «старых иммигрантов», либо являются угрозой их деньгам и налогам, то все свои претензии эти лица вправе предъявить к госчиновникам, которые санкционировали права иммигрантов на социальную помощь, либо они вправе обратиться в суд за защитой своих прав. Надеюсь, что ты не против того, чтобы каждый решал сам как распоряжаться своими правами, как новые, так и старые иммигранты.

            2) Тебе должно быть известно, что такое презумпция невиновности, поэтому, однозначно утверждая, что все вновь прибывшие иммигранты, которые в первый же день бегут обращаться за помощью, являются ПРЕСТУПНИКАМИ, ты сам нарушаешь их права и можешь быть привлечён за это к ответственности.

            3) Уверен, что претенденты на визы, не КЛЯЛИСЬ не пользоваться своими правами на социальное обеспечение или другими своими правами, да и само такое требование не может возникнуть у консула даже гипотетически. Думаю, что имеется очень мало примеров получения какой-либо помощи с первых дней пребывания новых иммигрантов, что подтверждается отсутствием таких сообщений на данном и аналогичных форумах. Это является подтверждением того, что большинство новых иммигрантов справляются своими силами и надеются, прежде всего, на себя, и были осведомлены о такой реакции «старых иммигрантов» и были готовы к ней. Многие новые иммигранты просто не знают свои права на какую-либо социальную помощь, если она и предусмотрена.

            4) У каждого человека цивилизованной страны (надеюсь и в США) есть конституционное право свободно и беспрепятственно искать, получать, исследовать, распространять и использовать информацию. Посему, владеть информацией, знать о своих правах и пользоваться ими – не является противозаконным или преступным.

            5) Я знаю несколько конкретных примеров (семьи с 3-4 детьми от 3 до 12 лет), когда интервью пройдено без аффидавита, так как такого требования нет в поступивших 1-м и 2-м пакетах. Много таких историй рассказано на форуме visa4you. В частности, мой родной брат также прошёл интервью с детьми 3, 5 и 10 лет без аффидавита и консул не требовал представить его. Он в состоянии самостоятельно и полностью обеспечить семью и не знает о существовании каких-либо видов социальной помощи, не рассматривал и не рассчитывал на вариант получения такой помощи. Собрать такую информацию в этом топике, это моя инициатива (о которой брат не знает, да и времени у него нет на интернет, у него сейчас другие заботы), а пользоваться или нет своими правами на социальную помощь – решать самим заинтересованным лицам.

            fisherman писал(а) Fri, 19 January 2007 19:51
            Dmitry_CA, наверное все-таки MediCare. Вытащил детские пластики: Medical Care Program, с магнитной лентой. И ещё Amerigroup. Когда оформляли медицину детям, нам в офисе предложили талоны (купоны) для нашего малого на доп. питание, зелень, фрукты, соки и т.п. Ему тогда еще 5-ти не было. Мы не просили, честное слово, мы о программе WIC ни слова не слышали. Ну мы и не отказывались сильно.
            Я об этом же! Уверен, что большинство новых и старых иммигрантов поступили бы также как и fisherman, т.е. «не отказывались сильно», если ещё и учесть, что у многих семей по более маленьких детей, чем у fisherman.


            • #7
              Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

              Компетентных лиц либо тех, кто сталкивался с нижеследующими программами, прошу прокоментировать их:

              1) Program Name

              Assets for Independence

              Eligibility criteria

              Assets for Independence Program grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Non-profit organizations including faith-based organizations are eligible to apply. State, local and Tribal governments are also eligible to apply. Grantee organizations manage programs that help clients establish IDAs and accumulate assets for the long-term.


              Assets for Independence Program grants are awarded annually on a competitive basis. Grantee organizations manage programs that help clients establish IDAs and accumulate assets for the long-term. Non-profit organizations including faith-based organizations are eligible to apply. State, local and Tribal governments are also eligible to apply. Applicants should always check the funding announcement to confirm they meet the eligibility requirements.

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              Visit our website at: [url=""]

              2) Program Name

              Employment and Training Assistance

              Eligibility criteria

              In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be unemployed or about to become unemployed.


              Services are available to individuals seeking a job or developing work skills. Services include job search assistance, referral and placement assistance, reemployment services to unemployment insurance claimants, labor market information, and individual skills assessments.

              If you are 18 or older and authorized to work in the United States, you may also be eligible to receive counseling, help in developing an individual employment plan, training and basic education. Childcare and transportation services may be available to enable an individual to participate in these activities. The array of services available is based upon an assessment of individual needs.

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Labor [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              You may also call a toll-free help line: 877-872-5627

              People who are hearing impaired may call this toll-free TTY number: 877-889-5627

              Employers and jobseekers can find the services they need at a convenient Career One-Stop Center. Find the nearest One-Stop Center to you at: [url=""]

              3) Program Name

              Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals

              Eligibility criteria

              In order to qualify for this benefit program, you, your spouse, parents or children must receive or be eligible to receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or your household's annual income before taxes must be less than $8,861 if one person lives in the household; less than $11,941 if two people live in the household; less than $15,021 if three people live in the household; less than $18,101 if four people live in the household; less than $21,181 if five people live in the household; less than $24,261 if six people live in the household; less than $27,341 if seven people live in the household; less than $30,421 if eight people live in the household; less than $33,501 if nine people live in the household; less than $36,581 if 10 people live in the household; less than $39,661 if 11 people live in the household; less than $42,741 if 12 people live in the household; or less than $45,821 if 13 people live in the household.


              The purpose of the Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (JOLI) program is to test and evaluate ways of creating employment and business opportunities for individuals receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) assistance. The program also aids other low-income individuals through self-employment, micro-enterprise, new business ventures, expansion of existing businesses through technical and financial assistance and non-traditional employment initiatives that lead to their economic self-sufficiency.

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              For more information please visit: [url=""]

              Or contact us at:

              Division of Community

              Discretionary Programs, OCS, ACF, DHHS

              370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW

              Washington, DC 20447

              4) Program Name

              Medicare Prescription Drug Plans

              Eligibility criteria

              Important points you need to know about the new Medicare prescription drug coverage:

              1. It is available to all people with Medicare.

              2. Almost 1 in 3 people will qualify for extra help paying for their drug costs.

              3. It protects you against ever having very high drug expenses.

              4. It pays for brand name and generic drugs.


              Starting January 1, 2006, new Medicare prescription drug coverage will be available to everyone with Medicare. Everyone with Medicare can get this coverage that may help lower prescription drug costs and help protect against higher costs in the future. Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage is insurance. You choose the drug plan and pay a monthly premium.

              There are two types of Medicare plans that provide insurance coverage for prescription drugs. There will be prescription drug coverage that is a part of Medicare Advantage Plans and other Medicare Health Plans. You would get all of your Medicare health care through these plans. There will also be Medicare prescription drug coverage that adds coverage to the Original Medicare Plan, and some Medicare Cost Plans and Medicare Private Fee-for-Service Plans. These plans will be offered by insurance companies and other private companies approved by Medicare.

              Like other insurance, if you join a plan offering Medicare drug coverage there is a monthly premium. If you have limited income and resources, you may get extra help to cover prescription drugs for little or no cost. The amount of the monthly premium is not affected by your health status or how many prescriptions you need. You will also pay a share of the cost of your prescriptions. All drug plans will have to provide coverage at least as good as the standard coverage, which Medicare has set. However, some plans might also offer more coverage and additional drugs for a higher monthly premium.

              If you have limited income and resources, you may be able to get help with drug plan costs.

              Starting November 15, 2005, you can enroll in three ways:

              1. Enroll online on this web site.

              2. Call the plan directly.

              3. Call 1-800-MEDICARE and Medicare will help you enroll.

              If you have other types of health or prescription coverage, for instance, from an employer or union, TRICARE , the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, a special program, or a Medigap policy, read all the materials you get from your insurer or plan provider. Talk to your benefits administrator, insurer, or plan provider before you make any changes to your current coverage.

              Managing Organization

              Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              For more information about this program, please visit: [url=""]

              Information is also available at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website: [url=""]

              Telephone: 1-800-MEDICARE

              To apply for this program, click [url=""]

              5) Program Name

              Medicare Program

              Eligibility criteria

              In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be 65 years of age or older and a citizen or permanent resident of the United States. You might also qualify for coverage if you are a younger person with a disability or with End-Stage Renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplant) or Lou Gehrig's Disease.


              Medicare is a health insurance program for people 65 years of age or older, some disabled people under 65 years, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure treated with dialysis or a transplant). Medicare coverage is comprised of two parts: Hospital Insurance (Part A) and Medical Insurance (Part B).

              Here are some simple guidelines. You can get Part A at age 65 without having to pay premiums if:

              You are already receiving retirement benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board.

              You are eligible to receive Social Security or Railroad benefits but have not yet filed for them.

              You or your spouse had Medicare-covered government employment.

              If you are under 65, you can get Part B without having to pay premiums if:

              You have received Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board disability benefit for 24 months.

              You are a kidney dialysis or kidney transplant patient.

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              If you have additional questions about your eligibility for Medicare Part A or Part B, or if you want to apply for Medicare, please contact the Social Security Administration toll-free at: 800-772-1213

              Or visit or call your local Social Security office: [url=""]

              The TTY-TDD number for the hearing and speech impaired is: 800-325-0778

              You can also get information about buying Part A as well as Part B if you do not qualify for premium-free Part A.

              To check on your Medicare eligibility and enrollment status, please visit the Medicare Eligibility Tool: [url=""]

              6) Program Name

              Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Pension Insurance

              Eligibility criteria

              In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must participate in a covered single-employer pension plan. Beneficiaries of employees covered in single-employer pension plans may be eligible for benefit payments.


              PBGC insures traditional private defined benefit plans, which are the type that promise to pay a specific monthly benefit at retirement. PBGC does not insure retirement plans that do not promise specific benefit amounts (i.e., defined contribution pension plans), such as profit sharing or 401(k) plans, nor does it insure public defined benefit plans. If the plan ends without sufficient money to meet its financial obligations, PBGC steps in and pays pension benefits, up to the legal limit. The pension benefit PBGC pays depends on:

              (1) provisions of your plan,

              (2) legal limits,

              (3) the form of your benefit,

              (4) your age, and

              (5) amounts PBGC recovers from employers for plan under funding.

              PBGC is also searching for thousands of people (Pension Search Program) who may be owed a benefit payment from a plan PBGC took over or one that ended with sufficient funds to pay all benefits.

              Managing Organization

              Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              For more information about the pension insurance program, please visit: [url=""]

              For more information on PBGC's Pension Search Program, please visit: [url=""]

              You may also call PBGC's Contact Center, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday: 1-800-400-7242 (toll free) or 202-326-4000

              7) Program Name

              Prescription Drug and Other Assistance Programs (Including Medicare-Approved Drug Discount Cards)

              Eligibility criteria

              You can get a Medicare-approved drug discount card if

              you have Medicare Part A and/or Part B, and

              you don’t have outpatient prescription drug benefits through Medicaid (your state may call this Medical Assistance).

              If you’re enrolled in a state pharmacy assistance program (not Medicaid), you can still get a card.

              If you already have prescription drug coverage through your current health insurance or you already get discounts on your prescriptions, review your coverage closely to see if this discount card will save you more money on your prescriptions.


              If you are eligible for a Medicare-approved drug discount card, you can save between 11%-18% on many brand name drugs and even more on generic drugs. This benefit is available to you regardless of your income and has no effect on your existing coverage. You may have to pay up to $30 annually for a drug card.

              If you have limited income, you will not have to pay any annual enrollment fee, and you may also be eligible for an additional $450 credit (this decreases to $300 on July 1st and $150 on October 1st ) to help you pay for prescriptions.

              Even if you don’t qualify for the $450 credit (this decreases to $300 on July 1st and $150 on October 1st ), you can still receive the drug discount card and save money on prescription drug costs now. Enrollment in Medicare-approved drug discount cards is available until December 31, 2005. You can continue to use your Medicare-approved drug discount card and your credit until May 15, 2006, or until you join a Medicare prescription drug plan, whichever is first. After you join a Medicare prescription drug plan, you can’t use your Medicare-approved drug discount card. You also can’t use any of the credit you have left.

              The Medicare-approved drug discount cards were offered as a transition step to help people with Medicare save money on prescription drug costs until Medicare prescription drug plans become available.

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              For more information about this program, please visit: [url=""]

              Information is also available at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website at: [url=""]

              Or at: [url=""]

              Telephone: 1-800-MEDICARE

              8 ) Program Name

              Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Family Coverage (F-SGLI)

              Eligibility criteria

              In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be the spouse or dependent child of a servicemember (Active Duty and Ready Reserve) who has full-time SGLI coverage. A "dependent child" includes any unmarried child in one of the following categories: a natural born child, a legally adopted child, stepchild who is a member of the servicemember's household, a child between the ages of 18 and 23 who is a full-time student, or a child who became permanently incapable of self-support before age 18.


              The Veterans' Opportunities Act of 2001 extended life insurance coverage to spouses and children of members insured under the SGLI program, effective November 1, 2001. Spouses of SGLI policyholders are covered for up to $100,000 of the amount of the servicemember's SGLI, whichever is less. This coverage is automatic unless the servicemember submits a written request to decline or reduce coverage. Additionally, the dependent children of every active duty servicemember or reservist covered under SGLI are automatically insured for $10,000.

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              For more information, please visit: [url=""]

              9) Program Name

              Special Improvement Project

              Eligibility criteria

              In order to qualify for this benefit program, you, your spouse, parents or children must receive or be eligible to receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or you must be a parent or primary caregiver in need of help collecting child support, assistance paying for child care, or help ensuring your child is not separated from your home.


              The purpose of the Special Improvement Project grant is to provide funding for projects that further the national child support mission and goals. This mission aims to help children receive financial and medical support as well as improve program performance.

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              For more information please visit: [url=""]

              To find the eligibility of this program specific to your state visit: [url=""]

              10) Program Name

              U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

              Eligibility criteria

              In order to qualify for this benefit program, you may be a U.S. national, citizen or permanent resident, or an immigrant or an intending immigrant.


              The US Citizenship and Immigration Services is a Federal agency within the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that administers the nation's immigration laws relating to immigration benefits and services. USCIS regulates permanent and temporary immigration to the United States. This includes legal permanent residence status, non-immigrant status (e.g., tourists or students), and naturalization.

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Homeland Security [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              For information about USCIS visit their website and select the state where you live at: [url=""]

              For more information, you may also call the USCIS National Customer Service Center (NCSC) at: 800-375-5283

              USCIS is a component of the Department of Homeland Security, for more information visit: [url=""]

              People who are hearing impaired may call this toll-free TTY number: 800-767-1833

              11) Program Name

              Unemployment Insurance

              Eligibility criteria

              In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must have worked during a specified period, usually in the past 12 to 18 months, and earned a minimum amount of wages as set by each state. You must also be determined to be unemployed through no fault of your own and meet other state eligibility requirements determined under state law.


              Unemployment insurance benefits provide temporary financial assistance to eligible workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own who meet eligibility requirements established by state laws. Each state, including the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico has unemployment insurance programs.

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Labor [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              For more information, you may also call a toll-free help line: 866-487-2365

              People who are hearing impaired may call this toll-free TTY number: 877-889-5627

              For information about the state agencies responsible for unemployment claims, visit the Department of Labor's Workforce Security website and select the state where you would like to file: [url="http://www.workforcesecurity.dole"]

              To determine your eligibility for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits you should contact the state unemployment insurance agency in the state where you are located as soon as possible after becoming unemployed. In some states, you can now file a claim by telephone and the Internet.

              12) Program Name

              Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI)

              Eligibility criteria

              In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must currently receive or be eligible to receive a specially adapted housing grant.


              The Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI) program began in 1971, and is designed to provide financial protection to cover eligible veterans' home mortgages in the event of death. The maximum amount of mortgage life insurance available for those who are eligible for a specially adapted housing grant is $90,000. Protection is automatic unless the veteran declines or does not provide sufficient mortgage information upon which to issue insurance. Premiums are automatically deducted from VA benefit payments if the veteran does not draw compensation. Premiums will continue to be deducted until the mortgage has been liquidated, the home is sold, or the coverage terminates. The coverage terminates when the veteran reaches age 70. If a mortgage is disposed of, VMLI may be obtained on the mortgage of another home.

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              For more information, please visit: [url=""]

              13) Program Name

              WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)

              Eligibility criteria

              Women, infants (over 4 months old), and children that are certified to receive WIC Program benefits or who are on a waiting list for WIC certification are eligible to participate in the FMNP. State agencies may serve some or all of these categories.


              The Farmers' Market Nutrition Program exists:

              1) To provide fresh, nutritious unprepared produce (such as fruits and vegetables) to WIC participants from farmers' markets

              2) To expand the awareness and use of farmers' markets and increase sales at such markets

              Managing Organization

              U.S. Department of Agriculture [url=""]

              Program contact information & web resources

              For more information about this program, contact the FMNP State agency in your State. Contact information for State agencies that operate the FMNP can be found here: [url=""]

              Web Site Address: [url=""]

              Please see the following Web Site for the income standard or maximum income limit for WIC eligibility: [url=""]


              • #8
                Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

                Шухрат вы правы в етом форуме очень много злых людей, очень мало кто помогает в основном критика, упреки, ругань. Со всей увероностью могу сказать, что многие толковые ползователи открыли свои форумы или ушли в другие, да и улитка админ уже заметно устал. Я уверена то, что вы здесь написали все обязательно стирут.

                А вообще так держать !


                • #9
                  Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

                  Шухрат жон манга прайвиткя язин ман сизгя яшши форумларга линклари жонотвараман бу улиткада хамаси жугут бизи орта асиодан яхши кормаяптилар, чунку хамаси узбекистондан кочборгян !


                  • #10
                    Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

                    fisherman писал(а) Fri, 19 January 2007 16:51
                    Dmitry_CA, наверное все-таки MediCare. Вытащил детские пластики: Medical Care Program, с магнитной лентой. И ещё Amerigroup.
                    Нет, это не то. MediCare - это гос. программа, на которую у Вас снимают налоги с Вашего пэйчека (см. Social Security tax, за которым идёт Medicare tax). Воспользоваться программой MediCare Вы сможете лишь по достижению пенсионного возраста или инвалидности (Бог Вас упаси конечно!). Поэтому Medical Care и Medicare - это две совершенно разные программы. Кстати, более подробно см. №5 в списке программ, который разместил выше Шухрат. Скорее всего, Ваши дети получают даже не Medicaid, а бесплатную мед. страховку для детей от штата (State Child Health Insurance Program), которая в каждом штате называется по-своему.

                    Когда оформляли медицину детям, нам в офисе предложили талоны (купоны) для нашего малого на доп. питание, зелень, фрукты, соки и т.п. Ему тогда еще 5-ти не было. Мы не просили, честное слово, мы о программе WIC ни слова не слышали. Ну мы и не отказывались сильно.
                    Программу WIC могут получать абсолютно законно на детей до 5 лет или по беременности. ЭТО ВАШЕ ПРАВО! Наличие спонсора никак не влияет на получение. Так же, как и не влияет на получение стипендии от государства на обучение (Federal Pell Grant).



                    • #11
                      Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

                      Dmitry_CA, ага, кое-что проясняется, спасибо. В программе WIC мы уже не участвуем, сыну уже 7-й год. Ходим в колледж, берем английский, пока бесплатно. Возможно в следующем году финпомощь не получим, так как с каждым годом наш доход потихоньку (а хотелось бы поболее ) но растет. И хотелось бы что бы у читателей не возникло подозрений, что мы эдакие "халявщики" и "охотники за бенефитами". Все, что мы получили на сегодняшний день - это WIC и финпомощь на обучение. И узнали мы об этих соц. программах не от своих соотечественников (мы ж должны дерьма хлебнуть), а от социальных работников и в колледже непосредственно, сами ничего не просили ибо не владели информацией.


                      • #12
                        Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

                        Children's Health Insurance (Medicaid, FAMIS Plus and FAMIS)

                        Medicaid Program (includes FAMIS)

                        The Medical Assistance program (Medicaid) was established under Title XIX of the Social Security Act to enable states to provide medical care for public assistance recipients and medically needy persons (i.e. persons of low income who can meet their maintenance needs but have insufficient income to provide the cost of medical care). The program is financed by state and federal funds.

                        In Virginia, Children's Health Insurance includes Medicaid and Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) and is available through a single application. Children will be covered by Medicaid if the family's income meets the Medicaid income requirements. Children who are not eligible for Medicaid and who meet the FAMIS eligibility requirements will be covered by FAMIS.

                        Who Medicaid Covers

                        In order to be eligible for Medicaid, applicants must meet the non-financial and financial requirements for Medicaid and must be in one of the groups covered by Medicaid.

                        The four major groups covered by Medicaid are:

                        1. Medically Indigent Children and Pregnant Women (MI) - Medicaid generally provides coverage to pregnant women and children with countable family income below 133% of the federal poverty level (FPL) who meet the non-financial requirements. Eligibility under this component is determined without regard to the individual's resources.

                        2. Low Income Families and Children (LIFC) - Medicaid covers families who meet the non-financial requirements and the income and resource requirements.

                        3. Aged, Blind and Disabled (ABD) - Medicaid covers individuals over 65 and individuals with disabilities who meet the non-financial requirements and the income and resource requirements. Medicaid covers Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who meet the resource requirements.

                        4. Long-Term Care (LTC) - Medicaid provides coverage to individuals who require care in a medical facility or whose care can be provided in the home and whose income and resources are insufficient to cover the cost of their care.

                        What Medicaid Covers

                        For individuals who meet income and resource limits for full coverage, Medicaid covers a comprehensive range of services, including hospital care, doctor's visits, prescriptions, mental health services, and rehabilitative services. An individual may be covered by other health insurance and be eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid will cover the cost of care not covered by the other plan and may cover the cost of employer-sponsored health insurance for eligible individuals.

                        Medicaid covers the Medicare premiums, copayments, and deductibles for individuals who are eligible for full Medicaid coverage and who also have Medicare. Individuals with Medicare Part A whose income and resources are over the limit for full Medicaid coverage may still be eligible for limited coverage.

                        How the Program Works

                        Virginia law provides that the Medicaid Program be administered by the Department of Medical Assistance Programs (DMAS), whose responsibilities are:

                        • Development of the state medical assistance plan to cover eligibility criteria and scope of services, in conformity with federal law and regulations

                        • Provision of medical care covered under the state plan

                        • Handling of appeals related to medical assistance and

                        • Handling of fraud in cooperation with the Department of Social Services (VDSS)

                        Determination of eligibility for medical assistance and the provision of related social services is the responsibility of local social service departments, under the supervision of VDSS. The responsibilities of VDSS are the:

                        • Determination of initial and continuing eligibility for medical assistance

                        • Provision of related social services and

                        • Enrollment of eligible persons in the Medicaid Program (exception: VDSS carries direct responsibility for the determination of eligibility for medical assistance and for the enrollment in the Medicaid Program of certain patients in state owned hospitals and long term facilities)

                        Steps to Apply

                        1. Complete screening for potential eligibility

                        2. Submit application to your local department of social services (you can also pick up an application at your local office or ask them to mail one to you).


                        • In order to apply for FAMIS, income verification is required. It is not necessary to be interviewed at the local Department of Social Services. Mail-in applications are accepted.

                        • In order to apply for Medicaid for Pregnant Women, income and verification of pregnancy are required. It is not necessary to be interviewed at the local Department of Social Services. Mail-in applications are accepted.

                        • For help with Medicare Costs, income and resource verifications are required. It is not necessary to be interviewed at the local Department of Social Services. Mail-in applications are accepted.


                        • #13
                          Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

                          Free or Low-Cost Health Care Programs

                          for Children in Fairfax County And the Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church

                          Fairfax County offers several affordable child health care programs. Each has its own requirements and all have income requirements. Services may include:

                          • Primary care and urgent care

                          • Doctor visits

                          • Prescriptions drugs

                          • Immunizations

                          • Well-child visits

                          • School and sports physicals

                          • X-rays

                          • Laboratory and diagnostic services

                          • Short-term physical therapy

                          • Dental care

                          • Vision services

                          Finding the Right Health Care Program for Your Child- Where Should a Family Start?

                          1. Call to apply for FAMIS Plus (Formerly known as Medicaid)

                          The first program your child is evaluated for is FAMIS Plus (formerly Medicaid) through the Department of Family Services: 703-324-7500; TTY 703-222-9452.

                          • This program pays certain medical and health care costs for eligible children ages 0-19.

                          • Services are offered through private Medicaid-certified doctors or Managed Care.

                          2. If your child is NOT eligible for FAMIS Plus, an evaluation will be made for the FAMIS

                          (FamilyAccess to Medical Insurance Security) program.

                          • FAMIS provides health coverage similar to FAMIS Plus, for eligible families whose children do not have health insurance.*

                          • FAMIS covers children of working families who earn too much income to qualify for FAMIS Plus and too little to afford private health insurance.

                          *A child's health insurance cannot have been dropped, without good cause, in the last four months before application.

                          3. If your child is NOT eligible for FAMIS Plus or FAMIS, contact these other health care programs in Fairfax County:

                          Medical Care for Children Partnership (MCCP). Features include:

                          • Pediatric and dental care are provided for children birth to 18 years old through private physicians and dentists and a health maintenance organization (HMO).

                          • Some services include primary care, urgent care, well-child care, immunizations, x-rays, laboratory tests, pharmacy services and case management. This program does not offer in-patient and outpatient hospital care.

                          For more information call:

                          North County

                          Northern Virginia Family Service

                          1043 Sterling Rd., Unit 201

                          Herndon, VA 20170


                          (English/Spanish: Ext. 224 & 225)

                          Central and South County

                          Northern Virginia Family Service

                          10455 White Granite Dr. Suite 100

                          Oakton, VA 22124

                          703-385-3267 (English/Spanish)

                          Inova Pediatric Center 703-205-2600 (English and Spanish)

                          This center provides primary pediatric services which include:

                          • Pediatric care, including well-child care and school and sports physicals, available for children ages birth to 21.

                          • Care is provided by health care professionals employed by Inova Fairfax Hospital for Children/Inova Health System

                          Community Health Care Network (CHCN)

                          Fairfax County's Health Department operates three CHCN centers. Medical care offered is similar to care in a family doctor's office. Referrals to medical specialists, and supplemental services and hospitals may be provided when necessary. These services are available to children and adults.

                          Important information about the Community Health Care Network (CHCN):

                          • CHCN does NOT cover hospital or emergency room bills.

                          • Payment is based on sliding fee scale with small co-payments.

                          • No one is denied service if they are unable to pay.

                          For more information on the Community Health Care Network, call or visit:

                          CHCN - Bailey's Health Center

                          6196 Arlington Blvd.

                          Falls Church, VA 22044

                          703-237-3446 TTY: 703-237-8702


                          Monday and Tuesday: 11:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

                          Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

                          CHCN - North County Health Center

                          11484 Washington Plaza West, Suite 300

                          Reston, VA 20190

                          703-689-2180 TTY: 703-689-3281


                          Monday and Tuesday: 11:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

                          Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

                          CHCN - South County Health Center

                          8350 Richmond Highway, Suite 30

                          Alexandria, VA 22309

                          703-704-5333 TTY: 703-704-6680


                          Monday and Tuesday: 11:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

                          Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

                          One-Step Access to All Programs:

                          Call or visit the Community Health Care Network center listed above


                          Contact Inova Health System's Partnership for Healthier Kids: 703-321-1990

                          This is a community program of Inova Health System and Fairfax County Public Schools. Families receive a brief, private interview--in person or by phone--and are offered follow-up contacts to ensure that their children receive health care.

                          For more information on Free and Low-Cost Health Care for Children, visit: [url]

                          Department of Family Services

                          703-324-7500 (English and Spanish); TTY 703 -222-9452


                          Fairfax County Human Services Access

                          703-222-0880; TTY 703-803-7914

                          Alternative formats of this information are available by calling 703-324-5870.

                          Please allow two weeks for processing.

                          Applying for Public Assistance Benefits

                          The process of applying for public assistance varies according to the regulations and requirements of each of the six programs -- Food Stamps, General Relief, Medicaid, Refugee Assistance, State-Local Hospitalization (SLH) and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families - (TANF).

                          What follows, however, is more or less typical of most programs. The department’s Human Services workers receive intensive training to be able to determine a person’s eligibility for each program.

                          When you apply for public assistance, this is typically what you might expect:

                          • You call or walk in to a Department of Family Services office for information and receive your application and directions for filling it out. No appointment is needed. You will be seen the same day you come into the office. Or, you may call to set up an appointment.

                          A language interpreter for non-English speaking customers can be provided, if needed. For some programs you may not need a personal interview or the interview may be held over the telephone.

                          • You may bring others with you, or, in some cases, send someone in your place.

                          • During the interview, the entire application process will be explained to you.

                          • You are told of any missing information or documents you’ll need to bring in.

                          • Your application is processed beginning on the date the agency receives the information.

                          • A Human Services worker determines if you are eligible and notifies you.

                          • If eligible, you begin receiving benefits.

                          • Periodic reviews of your eligibility are made while you are receiving benefits.

                          Applying for Food Stamps: a typical program

                          • You may pick up an application at any Department of Family Services office between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m through 4:30 p.m. on Fridays, or ask for one to be sent to you.

                          • You may apply for Food Stamps on the same day you request an application.

                          • Eligibility must be decided and participation must begin within 30 days of application or 7 days if you are eligible for expedited (emergency) service.

                          • All household income and certain financial resources must be verified.

                          • A percentage of earned income is subtracted from the total income to compensate for work expenses.

                          • Maximum allowable housing costs and dependent care expenses are deducted.

                          • Net monthly income is determined based on these deductions.

                          • Net income and number of people in your household determines the amount you receive.

                          • Those who are 60 or over or who receive certain disability payments may be exempt from some of the above requirements.

                          What personal or family resources are counted?

                          • Cash on hand

                          • Stocks and bonds, including U. S. Savings Bonds

                          • Money in checking and savings accounts, certificates of deposit and/or shared accounts

                          • Property, including pleasure craft, such as boats and recreational vehicles. A car or truck counts differently depending on how it is used. The home you own is not included as a resource if you are living in it.

                          What is counted as income?

                          • Wages

                          • Support payments

                          • Pensions

                          • Veterans benefits

                          • Alimony

                          • Dividends

                          • Public assistance

                          • Interest and similar payments

                          • Retirement or disability benefits

                          • Workers or unemployment compensation

                          • Old age, survivor’s or strike benefits

                          • Scholarships and educational grants

                          • Fellowships and veterans’ educational benefits

                          What identification do I need to supply?

                          • Personal identification: driver’s license, Social Security card, etc.

                          • Proof of status, if alien

                          • Proof of residence: copy of lease, utility bills, driver’s license, etc.

                          • Income: check stubs and/or income tax return

                          • Resources: bank statement, and/or car registration

                          • Medical expenses: If over 60 years old or receiving certain disability payments, bring copies of bills

                          • Rent or mortgage expenses, such as bank statement or cancelled checks

                          • Utility expenses: copies of bills

                          • Social Security number for each person in the household.

                          What are my responsibilities while receiving public assistance benefits?

                          You must always report any changes that could affect your eligibility for the programs you are enrolled in. Generally, these changes must be reported within 10 days. These could be changes in income, expenses, residence, number of people in the home, etc. Also, you must be willing to participate, when required, in Department of Family Services employment programs if you are unemployed or underemployed and able to work.

                          Other Important Issues:

                          Appeals: You may appeal to Virginia’s State Board of Social Services within 30 days (90 for Food Stamps) of receiving written notification of the local board’s decision to deny, grant, change, or discontinue your benefits.

                          Confidentiality: Information required or collected by the Department of Family Services is confidential and may not be released without your permission except for purposes of administering the programs.

                          Fraud: Anyone who willfully obtains or helps others obtain assistance which they are not entitled to, or receives assistance greater than that which they are entitled to, may be guilty of larceny, and upon conviction, may be punished accordingly.

                          For more information, call

                          Fairfax County

                          Department of Family Services


                          TTY: 703-222-9452

                          Office Locations & ZIP Code Areas Served by Each Office

                          To access our services or to learn how to apply for them, call the office nearest you ...

                          FAIRFAX AREA

                          Pennino Building -- Human Services Center

                          12011 Government Center Parkway

                          Fairfax, VA 22035

                          703-324-7500; TTY:703-222-9452

                          Required Documents

                          Different programs have different verification requirements. The programs and the minimum verifications for the programs are listed below. Sending in the verifications with your application may reduce the time needed to determine your eligibility.

                          Child Care: Income verification is required.

                          Children's Health Insurance: Income verification is required. It is not necessary to be interviewed at the local Department of Social Services and mail-in applications are accepted.

                          Energy Assistance: Income and heating and/or cooling expense verification are required.

                          Food Stamps: Identity (driver's license or picture I.D.), residence, income, resource and shelter expense verifications are required. An interview is also required.

                          Help with Medicare Costs: Income and resource verifications are required. It is not necessary to be interviewed at the local Department of Social Services and mail-in applications are accepted.

                          Medicaid for Pregnant Women: Income and verification of pregnancy are required. It is not necessary to be interviewed at the local Department of Social Services and mail-in applications are accepted.

                          Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: Income, resources, social security numbers and children's birth verifications are required. A face-to-face interview is also required.

                          Women, Infants & Children (WIC): Income (Medicaid card, pay stubs, TANF printout with case number, Food Stamp Notice of Eligibility, this year’s W-2 form, and/or income tax returns) and residency (utility bills, rent/mortgage receipts, Medicaid card, VA driver's license, or TANF/Welfare photo ID).

                          The worker who reviews your application will tell you if any other verifications are needed. It is not necessary to be interviewed at the local Department of Social Services and mail-in applications are accepted.

                          Where to Visit:

                          You may visit any of the local agencies listed below to apply for benefits for Food Stamps, Temporary Cash Assistance, Children’s Health Insurance, Medicaid for Pregnant Women, Energy Assistance, Child Care, and Help with Medicare Costs.

                          If you need help, please contact your local DSS office.

                          Fairfax-Falls Church DSS

                          12011 Government Center Parkway, Suite 200 B-3

                          Fairfax,VA 22035

                          703-324-7500 or 7800

                          Regular Hours: M-F 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

                          Directions [url=" ;2z=+22035&2a=12011+Government+Center+Parkway% 2C+Suite+200+B-3&2y=US"] ;amp ;amp ;amp ;2s=VA&2c=Fairfax&2z=+22035&2a=12011+G overnment+ Center+Parkway%2C+Suite+200+B-3&2y=US


                          • #14
                            Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

                            shuhrat vam nado v Socials security ustroits porabotat obratitis k Dmitriyu CA nadeus on vam pomoshet s rabotoi


                            • #15
                              Re: Социальная помощь для новых иммигрантов

                              Katt77va писал(а) Wed, 24 January 2007 22:26
                              shuhrat vam nado v Socials security ustroits porabotat obratitis k Dmitriyu CA nadeus on vam pomoshet s rabotoi

                              Воспользуюсь советом, если стану безработным, если, конечно, Dmitry_CA сможет помочь.

