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Правонарушение в штатах


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  • Правонарушение в штатах

    Подскажите кто знает, влияет ли это на получение иммиграционной визы (на меня подал брат петицию). Последний раз, когда я был в штатах, было правонарушение (безбилетный проезд). Был суд, сняли все отпечатки, сфоткали и назначили пару часов исправительных работ. Все отбыл, все прошел. Судья в суде сказал, что мое дело удалят через пол года, так ли это и как это повлияет в будущем на получение гринкарты?

  • #2
    Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

    Da, vliaet. Vprochem, zavisit ot shtat i ot stoimosti bileta.


    • #3
      Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

      Штраф за безбилетный проезд в метро в Манхэтенне. Дело в том, что у меня не было денег, и я вместе со знакомым прошел по 1 билету, там нас и задержали, а так как у него были деньги забрали на суд (если бы у него тоже не было денег, дали бы штраф на месте). В принципе, это административный проступок, а не уголовный, как это может повлиять?


      • #4
        Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

        Vy znaete stat'iu, po kotoroi vas sudili? Kakoe maksimal'noe nakazanie predusmotreno po etoi stat'e?


        • #5
          Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

          Честно сказать, статью уже не помню. Но знаю, что за это как правило дают штраф, но если есть отягчающие обстятельства (как в моем случае - деньги были у знакомого, а шел я безбилета) то дают probation


          • #6
            Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

            V NY za eto maksimal'noe nakazanie - god tiur'my. Pervye 15 let posle sovershenia takogo prestuplenia vy ne mojete immigrirovat' v USA. herez 15 let mojete podat' na waiver. esli vam ego dadut - smojete immigrirovat'.
            15 let uje proshli?


            • #7
              Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

              K momentu moey ocheredi kak raz budet 15 let. Chto za waiver (chto eto takoe). Vi uvereni, chto mne nado budet etot waiver zaprachivat'? Ja she probation otbil (tam bil 1 den' uborki v sude), vse proshlo bez problem. I mogut li ne dat' etot waiver, esli da, to po kakim prichinam. Spasibo


              • #8
                Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

                Waiver mogut ne dat'. Dlia etogo osobennye prichiny ne nujny. Nujny prichiny chtoby ego dali. Naprimer, u vas ne doljno byt' bol'she nikakih pravonarushenii.

                Vy mojete ego ne zaprashivat'. Togda poluchite otkaz v vize. Waiver zaprashivaetsia na forme I-601 ( ) i podaetsia v konsul'stvo. Mojete zaprosit' ego srazu posle otkaza. Odnako, v takom sluchae esli na rassmotrenie waivera uidet mnogo vremeni, to vam potom pridetsia zanovo platit' za podachu na vizu.

                Ja she probation otbil (tam bil 1 den' uborki v sude),
                Eto ochen' horosho. esli by vy ne otbyli probation, to ne mogli by podat' na waiver i posle istechenia 15 let.


                • #9
                  Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

                  Не слишком приятные новости. Но вы уверены в том, что говорите, это точно? Потому что не хотелось бы переживать это все, если это не точно.


                  • #10
                    Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

                    не нервничайте и не парьтесь. Если Вы и получите отказ, то причиной этого будет что-то другое, а не проезд в сабвее.
                    (Я знаю примеры, когда иммиграционные службы закрывали глаза на гораздо более серьезные нарушения, но не хочу рассказывать.)


                    • #11
                      Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

                      Hochetsia skazat' i drugoe. Esli vy v DS-230 ne napishete pro prestuplenie, i ne voz'mete s soboi na interview bumagi, podtverjdaiuscie, chto vashe delo udaliat cherez polgoda, to vam postaviat pojiznennyi obman za sokrytie informacii pro prestuplenie s cel'iu nezakonnogo poluchenia vizy.

                      (Я знаю примеры, когда иммиграционные службы закрывали глаза на гораздо более серьезные нарушения, но не хочу рассказывать.)
                      Eti prestuplenia mogut vam kazat'sia bolee serioznymi, a na samom dele byt' menee serioznymi. Skajem, nanesenia poboev drugomu cheloveku v drake vam mojet kazat'sia bolee serioznym prestupleniem, a na samom dele byt' menee serioznym.

                      Но вы уверены в том, что говорите, это точно?


                      • #12
                        Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

                        Originally posted by raevsky View Post
                        Eti prestuplenia mogut vam kazat'sia bolee serioznymi, a na samom dele byt' menee serioznymi. Skajem, nanesenia poboev drugomu cheloveku v drake vam mojet kazat'sia bolee serioznym prestupleniem, a na samom dele byt' menee serioznym.
                        В большей серьезности известных мне случаев я не сомневаюсь, но спорить не буду, т.к. не специалист, а ситуация Gator'а не совпадает в точности с теми, что знаю я.

                        Но, скажем, насчет бумаг по probation - знаю случай, когда человек подал на гражданство, но ни статьи уже не помнил, ни бумаг не имел. Поэтому просто написал объяснение в нескольких строчках. Сначала ему отписали, что нужны дополнительные документы, какие - укажут позже, но потом этот запрос о документах похерили.


                        • #13
                          Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

                          Nu i chto? Esli oni iz ego ob'iasnenii vyiasnili, chto eto prestuplenie ne vliaet na ego vozmojnost' poluchit' grajdanstvo.
                          A v dannom sluchae - vliaet.


                          • #14
                            Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

                            Статью я конечно не помню, это произошло очень давно. Я тогда даже по английский почти не говорил. Бумаг после суда никаких не давали, на сколько я помню.
                            Когда я спрашивал в суде у полицаев, может ли это повлиять в будущем на вьезд в страну, они однозначно говорили, что нет.
                            А в этой форме I-220, там вопрос про crime или просто про любые нарушения? И все же очень странно, как за безбилетный проезд могут визу не давать...


                            • #15
                              Ответ: Правонарушение в штатах

                              Bezbiletnyi proezd v shtate NY - eto crime. Nazyvaetsia "theft of service", misdemeanor class A.

                              New York Penal Code 165.15

                              Section 165.15 Theft of services

                              A person is guilty of theft of services when:

                              1. He obtains or attempts to obtain a service, or induces or attempts to induce the supplier of a rendered service to agree to payment therefor on a credit basis, by the use of a credit card or debit card which he knows to be stolen.

                              2. With intent to avoid payment for restaurant services rendered, or for services rendered to him as a transient guest at a hotel, motel, inn, tourist cabin, rooming house or comparable establishment, he avoids or attempts to avoid such payment by unjustifiable failure or refusal to pay, by stealth, or by any misrepresentation of fact which he knows to be false. A person who fails or refuses to pay for such services is presumed to have intended to avoid payment therefor; or

                              3. With intent to obtain railroad, subway, bus, air, taxi or any other public transportation service without payment of the lawful charge therefor, or to avoid payment of the lawful charge for such transportation service which has been rendered to him, he obtains or attempts to obtain such service or avoids or attempts to avoid payment therefor by force, intimidation, stealth, deception or mechanical tampering, or by unjustifiable failure or refusal to pay; or

                              4. With intent to avoid payment by himself or another person of the lawful charge for any telecommunications service, including, without limitation, cable television service, or any gas, steam, sewer, water, electrical, telegraph or telephone service which is provided for a charge or compensation, he obtains or attempts to obtain such service for himself or another person or avoids or attempts to avoid payment therefor by himself or another person by means of (a) tampering or making connection with the equipment of the supplier, whether by mechanical, electrical, acoustical or other means, or (b) offering for sale or otherwise making available, to anyone other than the provider of a telecommunications service for such service provider's own use in the provision of its service, any telecommunications decoder or descrambler, a principal function of which defeats a mechanism of electronic signal encryption, jamming or individually addressed switching imposed by the provider of any such telecommunications service to restrict the delivery of such service, or (c) any misrepresentation of fact which he knows to be false, or (d) any other artifice, trick, deception, code or device. For the purposes of this subdivision the telecommunications decoder or descrambler described in paragraph (b) above or the device described in paragraph (d) above shall not include any non-decoding and non-descrambling channel frequency converter or any television receiver-type accepted by the federal communications commission. In any prosecution under this subdivision, proof that telecommunications equipment, including, without limitation, any cable television converter, descrambler, or related equipment, has been tampered with or otherwise intentionally prevented from performing its functions of control of service delivery without the consent of the supplier of the service, or that telecommunications equipment, including, without limitation, any cable television converter, descrambler, receiver, or related equipment, has been connected o the equipment of the supplier of the service without the consent of the supplier of the service, shall be presumptive evidence that the resident to whom the service which is at the time being furnished by or through such equipment has, with intent to avoid payment by himself or another person for a prospective or already rendered service, created or caused to be created with reference to such equipment, the condition so existing. A person who tampers with such a device or equipment without the consent of the supplier of the service is presumed to do so with intent to avoid, or to enable another to avoid, payment for the service involved. In any prosecution under this subdivision, proof that any telecommunications decoder or descrambler, a principal function of which defeats a mechanism of electronic signal encryption, jamming or individually addressed switching imposed by the provider of any such telecommunications service to restrict the delivery of such service, has been offered for sale or otherwise made available by anyone other than the supplier of such service shall be presumptive evidence that the person offering such equipment for sale or otherwise making it available has, with intent to avoid payment by himself or another person of the lawful charge for such service, obtained or attempted to obtain such service for himself or another person or avoided or attempted to avoid payment therefor by himself or another person; or

                              5. With intent to avoid payment by himself or another person of the lawful charge for any telephone service which is provided for a charge or compensation he (a) sells, offers for sale or otherwise makes available, without consent, an existing, canceled or revoked access device; or (b) uses, without consent, an existing, canceled or revoked access device; or (c) knowingly obtains any telecommunications service with fraudulent intent by use of an unauthorized, false, or fictitious name, identification, telephone number, or access device. For purposes of this subdivision access device means any telephone calling card number, credit card number, account number, mobile identification number, electronic serial number or personal identification number that can be used to obtain telephone service.

                              6. With intent to avoid payment by himself or another person for a prospective or already rendered service the charge or compensation for which is measured by a meter or other mechanical device, he tampers with such device or with other equipment related thereto, or in any manner attempts to prevent the meter or device from performing its measuring function, without the consent of the supplier of the service. In any prosecution under this subdivision, proof that a meter or related equipment has been tampered with or otherwise intentionally prevented from performing its measuring function without the consent of the supplier of the service shall be presumptive evidence that the person to whom the service which is at the time being furnished by or through such meter or related equipment has, with intent to avoid payment by himself or another person for a prospective or already rendered service, created or caused to be created with reference to such meter or related equipment, the condition so existing. A person who tampers with such a device or equipment without the consent of the supplier of the service is presumed to do so with intent to avoid, or to enable another to avoid, payment for the service involved; or

                              7. He knowingly accepts or receives the use and benefit of service, including gas, steam or electricity service, which should pass through a meter but has been diverted therefrom, or which has been prevented from being correctly registered by a meter provided therefor, or which has been diverted from the pipes, wires or conductors of the supplier thereof. In any prosecution under this subdivision proof that service has been intentionally diverted from passing through a meter, or has been intentionally prevented from being correctly registered by a meter provided therefor, or has been intentionally diverted from the pipes, wires or conductors of the supplier thereof, shall be presumptive evidence that the person who accepts or receives the use and benefit of such service has done so with knowledge of the condition so existing; or

                              8. With intent to obtain, without the consent of the supplier thereof, gas, electricity, water, steam or telephone service, he tampers with any equipment designed to supply or to prevent the supply of such service either to the community in general or to particular premises; or

                              9. With intent to avoid payment of the lawful charge for admission to any theatre or concert hall, or with intent to avoid payment of the lawful charge for admission to or use of a chair lift, gondola, rope-tow or similar mechanical device utilized in assisting skiers in transportation to a point of ski arrival or departure, he obtains or attempts to obtain such admission without payment of the lawful charge therefor.

                              10. Obtaining or having control over labor in the employ of another person, or of business, commercial or industrial equipment or facilities of another person, knowing that he is not entitled to the use thereof, and with intent to derive a commercial or other substantial benefit for himself or a third person, he uses or diverts to the use of himself or a third person such labor, equipment or facilities.

                              11. With intent to avoid payment by himself or another person of the lawful charge for use of any computer or computer service which is provided for a charge or compensation he uses, causes to be used or attempts to use a computer or computer service and avoids or attempts to avoid payment therefor. In any prosecution under this subdivision proof that a person overcame or attempted to overcome any device or coding system a function of which is to prevent the unauthorized use of said computer or computer service shall be presumptive evidence of an intent to avoid payment for the computer or computer service.

                              Theft of services is a class A misdemeanor, provided, however, that theft of cable television service as defined by the provisions of paragraphs (a), (c) and (d) of subdivision four of this section, and having a value not in excess of one hundred dollars by a person who has not been previously convicted of theft of services under subdivision four of this section is a violation, that theft of services under subdivision nine of this section by a person who has not been previously convicted of theft of services under subdivision nine of this section is a violation and provided further, however, that theft of services of any telephone service under paragraph (a) or (b) of subdivision five of this section having a value in excess of one thousand dollars or by a person who has been previously convicted within five years of theft of services under paragraph (a) of subdivision five of this section is a class E felony.

