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Asylum в США если судимый в РФ


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  • #16
    Re: Asylum в США если судимый в РФ

    о чом разговор ваще? тут будет куча противоположных мнений, я не знаю зачем это все автору если он итак сам все это понимает?
    если серьезно то тут даже не каждый лоер с лицензией ответит как и что получится или нет
    но в любом случае надо разговаривать с лоером что он скажет, что он предложит и какую вероятность даст
    а тут задавать подобные вопросы не вижу совершенно, разве что если просто па****еть или занять себя на какоето время если делать нех в офисе или дома


    • #17
      Re: Asylum в США если судимый в РФ

      9 FAM 40.21(a)
      N3.1 Defining Conviction(CT:VISA-1506; 09-07-2010)
      INA 101(a)(48) (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(48)) defines “conviction” as either:
      (1) A formal judgment of guilt entered by a court; or
      (2) If adjudication has been withheld, either:
      (a) A finding of guilty by judge or jury; or
      (b) A plea of guilty or nolo contendere by the alien; or
      (c) An admission from the alien of sufficient facts to warrant afinding of guilt; and
      (3) The imposition of some form of punishment, penalty, or restraint ofliberty by a judge
      Takim obrazom, esli ne bylo suda i ne bylo priznania - to net i conviction.
      Sud byl, no est' prigovor strasburgskogo suda chto ego fakticheski ne bylo.

      9 FAM 40.21(a)
      N10 POLITICAL OFFENSES(CT:VISA-1318; 09-24-2009)
      a. 22 CFR 40.21(a) states that the term political offenses includes “offensesthat resulted in convictions obviously based on fabricated charges orpredicated upon repressive measures against racial, religious, or politicalminorities.” This regulation incorporates language from the legislativehistory of the 1952 Act, and therefore reflects to some extent the originalCongressional intent in adopting the political offense exemption. Basedon this regulation, most political offense exemptions will involve caseswhere you determined that the alien was not guilty of the charges butwas wrongly prosecuted because of political repression against racial,religious, or political minorities.

      b. The imposition of a cruel or unusual punishment, or of a punishmentwhich is clearly disproportionate to the offense, can also be relevant tothis consideration when there is evidence that the applicant was innocentof the charges. Absent evidence of political motivation for a wrongfulprosecution, you cannot look behind a conviction to determine whetherthe applicant was guilty of the offense for purposes of determining212(a)(2)(A)(i)(I) inadmissibility, although evidence of a wrongful conviction can be relevant to waiver considerations. The mere fact thatan alien is or was a member of a racial, religious, or political minorityshall not be considered as sufficient in itself to warrant a conclusion thatthe crime for which the alien was convicted was purely a political offense.c. It has been generally considered that the crimes of espionage, treasonand sedition are “pure” political offenses. Convictions for these crimeswill generally be eligible for the political offense exemption.d. You may request CA/VO/L/A to make a determination where there is anyindication that the offense for which the alien was convicted was of apolitical nature, or prosecution and therefore was politically motivated.e. Many offenses that are political in nature do not involve moral turpitude. If the offense does not involve moral turpitude or the provisions of212(a)(2)(B) (multiple criminal convictions), the applicant is not ineligibleand it is not necessary to determine whether the offense is political innature. Moreover, the Board of Immigration Appeals has determined thatconvictions for statutory crimes that are not crimes in the United Stateswill not be recognized for U.S. immigration purposes. Therefore, manyoffenses with political implications such as illegal political campaigning orlabor organizing will not result in immigration consequences because theydo not constitute crimes in the United States.9 FAM 40.21(a) N11 CONVICTED WARCRIMINALS(CT:VISA-1394; 01-21-2010)See 9 FAM 40.35(a) N3 and 9 FAM 40.35(a) N6 for cases of personsconvicted of war crimes.
      9 FAM 40.21(a)
      N1.2 Exceptions to Ineligibility(CT:VISA-1738; 10-06-2011)
      Certain statutory exceptions may prevent a determination of ineligibility byreason of a conviction for a crime involving moral turpitude. These exceptions relate to:
      (1) Crimes committed prior to age 18 (see 9 FAM 40.21(a) N8 and N9);or
      (2) Certain purely political offenses and convictions


      • #18
        Re: Asylum в США если судимый в РФ

        Уважаемый Raevsky! Скажите пожалуйста, а на Foreign Affairs Manual вообще принято ссылаться при подготовке документов (могу ли/нужно ли это делать подавая документы на убежище )? Или это, так сказать, "внутреннее руководство"?


        • #19
          Re: Asylum в США если судимый в РФ

          Net, 9 FAM - eto rukovodsto lia konsulov pri vypisyvanii vizy. Oni rukoodstvuiutsa tem je zakonom ( INA: ACT 212 - GENERAL CLASSES OF ALIENS INELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE VISAS AND INELIGIBLE FOR ADMISSION; WAIVERS OF INADMISSIBILLITY ) no imeiut bolee podrobnye instrukcii v vide 9 FAM.

