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Visa Bulletin No. 73


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  • Visa Bulletin No. 73

    Advance notification for October DV2005 cut-offs: Europe 10,850

    Первая партия по Европе DV2005 с номерами до 10,850. Далеко будет ещё до номеров 19XXX?

  • #2
    Re: Visa Bulletin No. 73


    In fiscal year 2003, Department of State embassies and consulates issued 48,115 diversity visas to persons from 158 countries/geographic entities.

    The “typical” principal applicant issued a diversity visa was a male professional, aged 26-30, holding a university degree. 22,323 visas were issued to persons from Europe, followed by 19,227 for Africa, 6,557 for Asia, 2,024 for South America, 675 for Oceania, and 6 for North America.

    For FY-2003, the top ten countries for DV allocations, including visas issued by Department of State overseas posts and adjustments of status by CIS, were: Ethiopia (3,784), Nigeria (3,386), Ukraine (2,935), Poland (2,899), Bulgaria (2,796), Kenya (2,272), Morocco (2,045), Lithuania (2,039), Albania (2,035), and Nepal (1,754). These ten countries accounted for 51% of all approved visas/adjustments. Nepal showed the sharpest increase in the number of visa recipients, increasing from 521 in FY-2002 to 1,754 in FY-2003. Other countries with significant increases included Bulgaria (1,925 to 2,796), Lithuania (1,139 to 2,039), Togo (564 to 1,434), Kenya (1,487 to 2,272), Morocco (1,205 to 2,045), and Romania (953 to 1,425). The largest decreases were for Sierra Leone (810 to 146), Ukraine (3,395 to 2,935), Iran (785 to 365), and Bangladesh (1,101 to 755). Peru and Cuba continued to be the top two South American countries, with 810 and 314 allocations respectively and Fiji maintained the top position in Oceania with 317. As in previous years, all North American allocations went to the Bahamas (6).

    The statistics cited below are drawn from the 48,115 visas issued by the Department of State (24,278 principal applicants, plus 23,837 derivative family members). They do not reflect CIS-processed cases.


    60% of the DV-2003 principal applicants who received visas were male. Males were in the majority for all geographic regions, with Africa having the highest percentage of male to female visa recipients, 68% to 32%. When derivative applicants were included, males comprised 54.5% of visa recipients, with Africa again having the greatest percentage of males (59%). Visa recipients from Europe, South America, Oceania, and North America were almost evenly divided between male and female, while males represented 54.7% of Asian visa recipients.

    Marital Status

    The marital status of DV recipients varied significantly from region to region. In Africa, only 42% of issued principal applicants were married, while 64% of Europeans reported their status as married. Overall, 52.2% of principal applicants were married, 44.4% single, 2.4% divorced, 0.7% widowed, and 0.3% separated.


    Principal applicants were predominantly young adults between the ages of 21 and 35. 26-30 year old applicants represented the largest group, 26% of the total, with those aged 21-25 years comprised 21.5% and aged 31-35 accounted for 18.6% of the total. Only 5% of principal applicants were over 50 years old.

    When derivative beneficiaries are added, persons 20 years old and younger account for 28% of all DV recipients.


    The three most common occupational categories listed for principal applicants accounted for 45.6% of those reporting an occupation: 4,407 persons (18.2%%) reported Executive/Administrative/Managerial occupations, 3,529 (14.5%) reported Service occupations, and 3,140 (12.9%) reported they were students. Other significant occupational categories were Teachers, except Postsecondary (1,369), Admin Support including Clerks (1,359), Operators/Fabricators/Laborers (1,060), Sales (904), Technologists/Technicians (847) and Engineer, Surveyor/Map, Science (827). 1,931 principals applicants did not report an occupation and 716 were listed as Unemployed or Retired.

    Derivative applicants show a similar employment profile, with 2,333 Executive/Administrative/Managerial employees heading the list, followed by 1,887 in the Service Occupations. The only categories that are significantly larger for derivative applicants are Housewife/Househusband, with 1,121 derivatives compared to 458 principals and Students/Children under 16, with 12,273 derivatives compared to 3,140 principal applicants.


    About 40% of the principal applicants reported having received a college/university or advanced degree. 16% of principal applicants reported having some college education, 18% a high school diploma, 7 % some high school, and 19% reported having attended vocational school. In Asia and Europe, the number who had completed a college or university degree was significantly higher than the average (57.5% of Asians and 49% of Europeans).


    • #3
      Re: Visa Bulletin No. 73

      Мдяяяя, резво начали.....эдак к новому году все будет каррент


      • #4
        Re: Visa Bulletin No. 73

        Интересная статистика...

        Получается в среднем, на одного выигравшего в лотерею-один зависимый член семьи. Интересно как Эфиопия получила 3784 визы, при условии что не должно быть больше чем 3500 виз на страну?


        • #5
          Re: Visa Bulletin No. 73

          Efiopia poluchila 3784 vizy ne v DV-2003, a iz Efiopii v 2003 po programmam DV v'ehali (ili sdelali AOS) 3784 chelovek, vkliuchaia DV-2002 i DV-2003. Viza mogla byt' poluchena v odnom godu, a v'ehali po nei - v drugom.

