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Образец "письма в поддержку"


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  • Образец "письма в поддержку"

    Меня на форуме недавно просили предоставить образец такого письма, что я и делаю . Это письмо (конечно имена и фамилии изменены), которое было недавно предоставлено в Варшаве, было написано мной для родителей парня, которого я встретил до этого (отец и сын оба выиграли в DV-2003 и все уже в Чикаго) .


    Consulate General

    ul. Piekna 12

    00-540 Warsaw

    To Whom It May Concern:

    I have known Pupkin family for 3 years when I used to live back in our home country. When I migrated in the USA, I still kept in touch with Vasya Pupkin, son of Petya. Recently I gladly met Vasya in Chicago and was able to provide him a place to stay for couple months and other necessary support. He already found a job and moved closer to the city because of a better transportation. Just recently his wife and his daughter joined him in Chicago and right away he was able to find his wife a job. They are excellent people, and I am sure that they will succeed in their life if given the proper chance to do so.

    I am working as a Senior Programmer Analyst at WHATEVER INC. If Vasya's parents, Petya and Masha, will be given an immigration visa, I can and will provide them with all necessary support if Vasya will ask me to. This support would include, but would not necessarily be limited to: meeting them at their arrival here in the USA; providing them with one furnished room at my condominium if necessary; and assisting them in becoming self sufficient and gainfully employed here in the USA.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.

    Thank you.

    Sincerely, Sergey Byzgu.


    Home phone:

    Work phone:

    Cell phone:

    ------------------------------------------------------------ ----

    Наверно повторюсь, но xочу заметить что такое письмо НЕ является доказательством финансовой поддержки и не может заменить официальную форму Affidavit of Support ( I-134 ). Это просто может послужить дополнительным плюсом на интервью что вас кто-то может встретить.

  • #2
    Re: Образец "письма в поддержку"

    спасибо, очень полезно

