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pink eye, или конъюктивит или часть Red eye


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  • pink eye, или конъюктивит или часть Red eye

    Pinkeye (also called conjunctivitis) is redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface. The lining of the eye is usually clear. If irritation or infection occurs, the lining becomes red and swollen.
    Pinkeye is very common. It usually is not serious and goes away in 7 to 10 days without medical treatment.
    Common symptoms of pinkeye are:
    Eye redness (hyperemia).
    Swollen, red eyelids.
    More tearing than usual.
    Feeling as if something is in the eye (foreign-body sensation or keratoconjunctivitis).
    An itching or burning feeling.
    Mild sensitivity to light (photophobia).
    Drainage from the eye.
    Most cases of pinkeye are caused by:

    Infections caused by viruses or bacteria.
    Dry eyes from lack of tears or exposure to wind and sun.
    Chemicals, fumes, or smoke (chemical conjunctivitis).
    Viral and bacterial pinkeye are contagious and spread very easily. Since most pinkeye is caused by viruses for which there is usually no medical treatment, preventing its spread is important. Poor hand-washing is the main cause of the spread of pinkeye. Sharing an object, such as a washcloth or towel, with a person who has pinkeye can spread the infection. For tips on how to prevent the spread of pinkeye, see the Prevention section of this topic.

    People with infectious pinkeye should not go to school or day care, or go to work until symptoms improve.

    If the pinkeye is caused by a virus, the person can usually return to day care, school, or work when symptoms begin to improve, typically in 3 to 5 days. Medicines are not usually used to treat viral pinkeye, so it is important to prevent the spread of the infection. Pinkeye caused by a herpes virus, which is rare, can be treated with an antiviral medicine. Home treatment of viral pinkeye symptoms can help you feel more comfortable while the infection goes away.
    If the pinkeye is caused by bacteria, the person can usually return to day care, school, or work 24 hours after an antibiotic has been started if symptoms have improved. Prescription antibiotic treatment usually kills the bacteria that cause pinkeye.
    Pinkeye may be more serious if you:

    Have a condition that decreases your body's ability to fight infection (impaired immune system).
    Have vision in only one eye.
    Wear contact lenses.
    Red eye
    Red eye is a more general term that includes not only pinkeye but also many other problems that cause redness on or around the eye, not just the lining. Pinkeye is the main cause of red eye. Red eye has other causes, including:

    Foreign bodies, such as metal or insects. For more information, go to the topic Objects in the Eye.
    Scrapes, sores, or injury to or infection of deeper parts of the eye (for example, uveitis, iritis, or keratitis). For more information, go to the topic Eye Injuries.
    Glaucoma. For more information, go to the topics Eye Problems, Noninjury or Glaucoma.
    Infection of the eye socket and areas around the eye. For more information, go to the topic Eye Problems, Noninjury.
    Swollen, red eyelids may also be caused by styes, a lump called a chalazion, inflammation of the eyelid (blepharitis), or lack of tears (dry eyes). For more information, go to the topics Styes and Chalazia or Eyelid Problems (Blepharitis).
    Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, is an infection of the eye's conjunctiva usually caused by a bacteria or virus that results in red, itchy, painful eyes.

  • #2
    Re: pink eye, или конъюктивит или часть Red eye

    some home remedies for conjunctivitis or red and sore eyes.
    Simple place cool, moist chamomile tea bag on each closed eye for about 10 minutes. Repeat this every couple hours. You can buy these tea bags at any supermarket. Make sure chamomile is the only ingredient.
    If you have bulk chamomile flowers, simply use a muslin tea bag. Bulk chamomile flowers as well as these tea bags and other supplies are available at Mountain Rose Herbs.
    You can also simply make the tea (a little stonger), and then use an eye cup to hold the luke warm tea in each eye. You can get an eye cup at most pharmacies.
    You can also just wash the eyes out with the tea, make a compress with a cloth, or even soak a cotton ball in the tea and wipe the eyes every so often.

    While treating pink eye topically, you certainly want to treat your child (or you) internally. Simply follow the steps in how I treat a cold naturally. Especially the parts about keeping yourself nourished and well rested.
    You can also use Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis). Infuse a teaspoon of the herb in a cup of hot water. Allow to cool, strain. Put the tea in an eye cup (available at pharmacies) and use it in the recommended way.
    You can wash the eye using 1 cup of boiled and cooled water. Add 5 drops of Eyebright tincture. Use a cotton ball. Never use straight tincture in an eye. Eyebright tincture (Euphrasia officinalis) is available here.

    So here are the treatments common to each form of pinkeye, as well as specific remedies. Because of the highly contagious nature of conjunctivitis, some of the "remedies" involve preventing the spread of pink eye. This might mean preventing it spreading from one of your eyes to the other, or from you to your family.

    1. Try to determine what the cause of the infection is.
    A bacterial infection might involve a green or yellowish discharge from your eye. Also, if several days pass and only one of your eyes is infected, you probably have a bacterial infection, which does not spread so easily. Fortunately, the bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics. Typically, these are antibiotic ointments and eye drops.

    2. If you have an allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva, then eye drops or a cold compress might treat the inflammation.
    In more serious cases, oral antibiotics might be used, though these are usually not steroidal. There are steroid creams which are sometimes prescribed for allergy-induced pink eye. This type of pink eye is not contagious, as it is induced by a person's natural allergies. These usually occur in the spring or fall, when allergies are at their worst.

    3. Viral infections are more difficult to fight.
    They are also the most contagious. This condition might persist for two to three weeks. While antibiotics don't eliminate the conditions, steroid creams generally help ease the irritation. Eye drops and a cold washcloth compressed on the eye are the standard remedies for this discomfort. Many of the preventive measures below are especially important for the sufferer of viral pink eye.

    4. If your eye itches, do not rub it with your hands. Wet a cloth and hold it to your eye, instead.
    5. Always wash your hands after touching an eye affected with pinkeye.
    A virus is highly contagious, so you can transfer it to your other eye easily. In this way, you can continue to reinfect one eye to another, prolonging your case of pink eye.

    6. When you wash your eye, make certain to use a washcloth.
    Do not reuse this washcloth. Put the cloth in a washing machine as quickly as possible, because the virus can be transmitted from the washcloth.

    7. Wash your clothes or towels that have touched your eye or touched your hand after it touched your eye.
    8. Wash your bedsheets frequently when you have pink eye.
    Pillow cases which your head might rest on are particularly important. If your condition clears up and your do not wash these sheets, they will re-infect you with the virus.

    9. Do not wear contacts when you have pink eye.
    Not only does this irritate your eye and cause you to inadvertently rub your eyes, it also prevents the eye from fighting the infection as quickly as it would.


    • #3
      Re: pink eye, или конъюктивит или часть Red eye

      Viral Conjunctiva Treatment
      Viral conjunctivitis has no specific cure for pink eye. Beneficial treatment for pink eye can be administered however. For example, artificial tears, available over the counter and cool compresses relieve discomfort. When inflammation is pronounced topical steroids are often administered to reduce swelling. Generally pink eye associated with viral infection will resolve itself within three weeks. Other recommendations include thorough cleaning household surfaces where hands frequently come into contact such as doorknobs with a bleach solution. Keep hands away from the face and eyes, and don’t use cosmetics.

      Bacterial Conjunctiva Treatment
      Bacterial conjunctivitis often spreads from one eye to the other. It is fairly common amongst school-aged children. Often purulent discharge is present that causes eyelids to stick together. In addition, frequently evidenced in this infection is a dry scratchy feeling. Topical antibiotics are often recommended. This course of action may be taken in the absence of a culture. If the infection is severe a culture may be administered. If Gonoccocal conjunctivitis is detected, antibiotics may be prescribed. These are usually administered by intravenous or intramuscularly therapies.
      Allergic Conjunctiva Treatment
      When pink eye is directly caused by allergens, removing the irritant is advised when possible that can be a home remedy for pink eye. Allergy driven conjunctivitis is not contagious. Cool compresses will often provide relief. In addition artificial tears are often recommended to reduce irritation. Ocular decongestants are sometimes prescribed, as are antihistamines that reduce swelling and redness. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops will often be useful. In some cases when the irritation is profound anti-inflammatory steroid drops will be prescribed. Avoiding allergens when identifiable is also recommended.


      • #4
        Re: pink eye, или конъюктивит или часть Red eye

        часто покраснение глаза бывает в результате попадания чего то в глаз. в таком случае, нужно следовать следующим правилам:

        Objects in the Eye - Home Treatment
        First aid for objects in the eye
        Don't rub your eye , because this could scratch the outer surface (cornea) of the eye. You may have to keep small children from rubbing their eyes.
        Wash your hands before touching your eye.
        If you wear contact lenses, take the contacts out before trying to remove the object or flush your eye.
        If an object is over the dark center (pupil) of the eye or over the colored part (iris) of the eye, you may try to gently flush it out with water. If the object does not come out with flushing, put on dark glasses, and call your doctor. Do not put any pressure on the eye
        If the object is on the white part (sclera) of the eye or inside the lower lid, wet a cotton swab or the tip of a twisted piece of tissue and touch the end to the object. The object should cling to the swab or tissue. Some minor irritation is common after you have removed the object in this way.
        Gently flush the eye with cool water. A clean eyedropper may help. Many times the object will be under the upper eyelid and can be removed by lifting the upper lid away and flushing gently.
        Do not try to remove a piece of metal, an object that has punctured the eye, or an object stuck on the eye after flushing with water.
        Never use tweezers, toothpicks, or other hard items to remove any object. Using these items could cause eye damage.
        If your eye symptoms are not 100% better after 24 hours of home treatment, an evaluation by a doctor is needed.

        Eye injury in a child
        Applying first aid measures for an eye injury in a child may be difficult depending on the child's age, size, and ability to cooperate. Having another adult help you treat the child is helpful. Stay calm and talk in a soothing voice. Use slow, gentle movements to help the child remain calm and cooperative. A struggling child may need to be held strongly so that first aid can be started and the seriousness of the eye injury assessed.

        We've all gotten something stuck in our eye. Do you know what you should do the next time it happens to you?


        • #5
          Re: pink eye, или конъюктивит или часть Red eye

          что ожидать от визита к доктору по поводу конъюктивита:
          During your eye exam, try to give your doctor exact details of how your eye was affected. You'll be asked questions such as whether the pink eye symptoms came on gradually or suddenly, and if you've been in contact with anyone else who has had pink eye.

          Conjunctival inflammation gives the eye a reddish tinge commonly known as pink eye.Often your answers alone will determine the diagnosis about the type of conjunctivitis you have.

          To pinpoint the cause of pink eye and then choose an appropriate treatment, your eye doctor also will examine your eyes and possibly collect a sample (culture) to send out for analysis.

          Bacterial conjunctivitis often causes a heavy discharge, sometimes greenish. Crusting may appear on eyelids (по сравнению с Viral conjunctivitis usually affects only one eye et first, which has excessive watering and a light discharge. Crusting on eyelids sometimes occurs). If a sample is needed, the eye will be numbed with drops and the surface will be gently swabbed. Antibiotic eye drops often are prescribed initially. But the medication may be changed, depending on culture results.

          If you have a bacterial infection, common causes can include staphylococcus (staph), streptococcus (strep) and — in children — Haemophilus influenza, a flu that is not viral.

          Pink eye also can be a symptom of many types of underlying diseases, especially those causing inflammation, including:

          Dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca)
          Lyme disease
          Collagen and vascular diseases
          Reiter's syndrome
          Stevens-Johnson syndrome
          In these cases, the disease itself must be treated, to alleviate pink eye and other possible symptoms.

          And, of course, anyone who starts sneezing at the first sign of ragweed likely is familiar with allergy symptoms such as a pink eye, eye irritation and itchiness related to non-contagious allergic conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis causes itching, redness and excessive tearing in both eyes. Your nose also may be stuffy, itchy and runny.

          Most types of pink eye are not considered serious or threatening to eyesight, especially when appropriate treatment — when necessary — is given in a timely way.

          But when other causes have been ruled out, persistent conjunctivitis can signal a potentially serious underlying disease that often only your doctor can diagnose.

          Left untreated, certain types of bacterial conjunctivitis can scar the eye's surface. This may lead to permanent eye damage and vision loss.

          In extreme and rare cases of uncontrolled conjunctivitis, an eye might even need to be removed because of infection that spreads throughout the eye and its interior (endophthalmitis).

          Pink eye treatment options vary, often depending on whether your conjunctivitis is caused by a virus or bacteria. Antibiotic eye ointments or drops may help bacterial forms of conjunctivitis, but don't work for viral forms. eye doctors don't normally prescribe medication for viral conjunctivitis, because it usually clears up on its own within a few days to several weeks.
          If you have allergic conjunctivitis, artificial tears may help dilute irritating allergens that may be present in your tear film. Antihistamine allergy pills or eye drops also may help control pink eye symptoms.
          For all types of conjunctivitis, warm compresses placed on the outside of the eyelids and lubricating eye drops may help eyes feel better.
          примерно такие вот результаты и инфоарция может быть получены при посещении врача. ввиду того что забоелвание заразное, может быть предписание оставаться дома пока глаз не перестанет быть красным, обычно неболее 3 дней.
          Pink Eye Facts - Treat, Prevent and Identify Pink Eye Symptoms


          • #6
            Re: pink eye, или конъюктивит или часть Red eye

            ниже будут приведены рекомендации, как избегать и стараться предотвращать появление или распространение конъюктивита. вполне резонные и "рабочие".

            Never share washcloths, towels or pillowcases with anyone at home or in a public environment.

            Don't share eye drops or cosmetics such as eyeliner, eye shadow or mascara. If you have pink eye, replace these items to avoid re-infection after your recovery.

            Wash your hands frequently, and avoid touching the corners of your eye or rubbing your eye. If your contaminated hand then touches the unaffected eye, you could end up with pink eye in both eyes.

            you risk picking up a bacterial eye infection anytime you swim without eye protection in an unsanitary body of water such as the ocean or an underchlorinated swimming pool.

            имеет смысл продезинфицировать вещи-поверхности, которые вы трогали на работе или дома в последний перед заболеванием день (дверные ручки, выключатели, мышка, клавиатура, итп), раствором перекиси водорода или спирта, или "лизолом".

            если конъюктивит предположительно аллергический, то предупреждающими действия ми могут быть:

            Dust and vacuum frequently to eliminate allergens in the home.

            Keep windows and doors closed on days when the airborne pollen count is high.

            Stay in well ventilated areas if you're exposed to smoke, chemicals or fumes.

            If you are a swimmer, try using protective swim goggles.

            если вы используете контактные линзы, следует прислушаться к таким вот советам:

            Always follow the strict cleaning and handling instructions taught by your eye care practitioner to avoid bacterial contamination of the contact lens, which could then spread to the eye.

            If you do have pink eye, do not wear your contact lenses until the condition is gone. Otherwise, you run the risk of extending or worsening pink eye symptoms. Even if your contact lenses are extended wear and it isn't yet time for disposal, you still may need to replace them, because they could be contaminated.

            Replace any contact lens solutions in which contaminated contact lenses may have been placed.

            When you take a bath or enter a hot tub or any other body of water, be sure to remove contact lenses first to avoid trapping bacteria between your eye and the lens.

            Soft contact lens wearers are more susceptible to a form of pink eye known as giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC), caused by abnormal immune responses. If you have GPC, ask your eye care practitioner about other options, such as wearing a different kind of lens.

            Pink Eye Facts - Treat, Prevent and Identify Pink Eye Symptoms

