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GC i deployment semji?


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  • GC i deployment semji?

    Tut voznik vopros- kto slugil/slugit pomogite pls!

    Ja edu v Germaniu na mesto slugby s moej semjoj -

    odnako ne znau kak uviazat ento delo s INS - ved

    po zakonu moja gena dolgna .5 goda byt v predelah

    strany - inache poteriajet GC(?).Kto reshil/reshal

    etot vopros- podskagite - t.k. moi drilly ochen lenivye


  • #2
    Re:GC i deployment semji?

    Вот нашёл на сайте ИНС:

    There are also exceptions for lawful permanent residents married to U.S. citizens stationed or employed abroad. Some lawful permanent residents may not have to comply with the residence or physical presence requirements when the U.S. citizen spouse is employed by one of the following:

    the U.S. Government (including the U.S. Armed Forces);

    American research institutes recognized by the Attorney General;

    recognized U.S. religious organizations;

    U.S. research institutions;

    an American firm engaged in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States; or

    certain public international organizations involving the United States.

    То есть проблема может решиться, если ты получишь гражданство за эти 3 года в Германии.


    • #3
      Re:GC i deployment semji?

      Вот нашёл на сайте ИНС:

      There are also exceptions for lawful permanent residents married to U.S. citizens stationed or employed abroad. Some lawful permanent residents may not have to comply with the residence or physical presence requirements when the U.S. citizen spouse is employed by one of the following:

      the U.S. Government (including the U.S. Armed Forces);

      American research institutes recognized by the Attorney General;

      recognized U.S. religious organizations;

      U.S. research institutions;

      an American firm engaged in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States; or

      certain public international organizations involving the United States.

      То есть проблема может решиться, если ты получишь гражданство за эти 3 года в Германии.

