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Работа эмбриологом в клинике IVF


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  • Работа эмбриологом в клинике IVF

    Здравствуйте! подскажите пожалуйста как можно устроится эмбриологом в лабораторию IVF (ЭКО), что для этого нужно и с чего начать, и вообще является ли эмбриология MD специальностью. У меня высшее медицинское образование, ординатура по акушерству-гинекологии, но последние три года работала эмбриологом. Недавно переехала в Штаты хотела бы и здесь устроится змбриологом.

  • #2
    Re: Работа эмбриологом в клинике IVF


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    • #3
      Re: Работа эмбриологом в клинике IVF

      The minimum education requirement for embryologist's is a four-year Bachelor of Science degree in embryology, microbiology or biochemistry with some background in genetics. Those who have a bachelor's degree are qualified to work as laboratory assistants or technicians. A master's or PhD is usually required for senior research positions. Those with PhDs may continue their training as post-doctoral fellows.

      Long term advancement will certainly depend on the education level of the embryologist. Those with master's degrees may work as professionals in laboratory settings, performing experiments. Embryologists with PhDs may conduct and lead individual and group research projects and teach in universities, manage clinical diagnostic embryology laboratories or fertility clinics or advance to senior scientific appointments in government or industry.

      Other advancement opportunities for embryologists depends on the size and nature of the employing organization and the qualifications of the employee. They can move into related biology fields such as biochemistry, genetics, ecology, virology or biochemical engineering. They can also become clinical technicians in health care facilities, quality control officers in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, or bioremediation specialists.

      Entry Level Salary:
      Average Salary:

      Как видете в США - MD degree is not required for this position and thus the question is - can your MD degree be counted/evaluated as an equivalent to a BS or a MS degree in the US? Or will you have to get an MS in Embryology in the US and if so - how many credits towards this degree can you claim as a result of your studies in Russia (то есть сколько вам кредитов зачтут за то что многие нужнъе дисциплинъ въ уже изучали в России?)

