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Master's Degree. Pomogite prinyat reshenie!


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  • russian girl
    Re: Master's Degree. Pomogite prinyat reshenie!

    Originally posted by rammstor
    расскажите пожалуйста про бачилор дегрии?
    Ya polychala bachelor's degree v Rossii. Naskolko ya znay, v US nyzhno ychitsya 4 goda na ety stepen.

    "A bachelor's degree is usually an academic degree awarded for an undergraduate course or major that generally lasts for four years, although some programs (such as engineering or architecture) usually take five, and some universities and colleges allow ambitious students (usually with the help of summer school and/or high school Advanced Placement courses) to complete them in as little as three years".

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  • rammstor
    Re: Master's Degree. Pomogite prinyat reshenie!

    расскажите пожалуйста про бачилор дегрии?

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  • russian girl
    Re: Master's Degree. Pomogite prinyat reshenie!

    Originally posted by Kochev View Post
    Не поздно! Совсем не поздно! In the U.S., legal training is a professional doctorate program. The first professional degree for law in the U.S. is the Juris Doctor (J.D.). Admittance to a J.D. program at an American Bar Association-accredited institution usually requires a bachelor's degree or an equivalent.
    (Some institutions also award LL.M. degree - ето звание могло бъ заинтересовать вас если бъ у вас уже бъло юридическое образование полученное в родной стране - поскол'ку такового нет, вас должно интерсовать J.D.) Учиться надо 3 года.
    Gospodin Kochev, vi menya vdohnovili! Vse ne tak strashno, kak kazhetsya vnachale)
    Teper y menya pozitivnii nastroi

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  • Kochev
    Re: Master's Degree. Pomogite prinyat reshenie!

    Originally posted by russian girl View Post
    Ogromnoe spasibo za informatsiy!
    Skazhite, pozhalyista, kakoe zvanie prisvaivayt v Law School? Skolko let mne eshe svetit grizt granit nayki?
    Vozmozhno, moi vopros pokazhetsya stoit li mne menyat napravlenie s ekonomiki na yurisprydentsiy? Mne 26 let. Ne pozdno li?
    Не поздно! Совсем не поздно! In the U.S., legal training is a professional doctorate program. The first professional degree for law in the U.S. is the Juris Doctor (J.D.). Admittance to a J.D. program at an American Bar Association-accredited institution usually requires a bachelor's degree or an equivalent.
    (Some institutions also award LL.M. degree - ето звание могло бъ заинтересовать вас если бъ у вас уже бъло юридическое образование полученное в родной стране - поскол'ку такового нет, вас должно интерсовать J.D.) Учиться надо 3 года.

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  • russian girl
    Re: Master's Degree. Pomogite prinyat reshenie!

    Originally posted by Kochev View Post
    Некотръе заметки:

    В США не присваивают звания "бакалвр юриспруденции" поетому поступаюшие в юридические школъ* в США зачастую имеют bachelor degrees in a wide variety of specialties.

    "Columbia Law School subscribes to the
    curricular guidelines provided by the
    Association of American Law Schools’
    “Statements on Prelegal Education.” These
    guidelines recommend a prelaw program
    involving education for “comprehension and
    expression in words, a critical understanding
    of the human institutions and values with
    which the law deals, and creative power in
    thinking.” A review of undergraduate majors
    of recently enrolled students indicates that
    approximately 25 percent have backgrounds
    in political science, 10 percent in economics,
    7 percent in pure sciences and engineering,
    10 percent in history, 9 percent in humanities
    such as classics and religious studies, 12
    percent in literature, and 7 percent in other
    social sciences like anthropology, psychology,
    and sociology. Other concentrations include
    international relations, business/finance/
    accounting, philosophy, and policy studies."

    Для успешного поступления надо хорошо сдать LSAT, иметь то что назъвается "diverse background", а затем успешно пройти собеседъвание.

    *Law School
    Ogromnoe spasibo za informatsiy!
    Skazhite, pozhalyista, kakoe zvanie prisvaivayt v Law School? Skolko let mne eshe svetit grizt granit nayki?
    Vozmozhno, moi vopros pokazhetsya stoit li mne menyat napravlenie s ekonomiki na yurisprydentsiy? Mne 26 let. Ne pozdno li?

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  • Kochev
    Re: Master's Degree. Pomogite prinyat reshenie!

    Некотръе заметки:

    В США не присваивают звания "бакалвр юриспруденции" поетому поступаюшие в юридические школъ* в США зачастую имеют bachelor degrees in a wide variety of specialties.

    "Columbia Law School subscribes to the
    curricular guidelines provided by the
    Association of American Law Schools’
    “Statements on Prelegal Education.” These
    guidelines recommend a prelaw program
    involving education for “comprehension and
    expression in words, a critical understanding
    of the human institutions and values with
    which the law deals, and creative power in
    thinking.” A review of undergraduate majors
    of recently enrolled students indicates that
    approximately 25 percent have backgrounds
    in political science, 10 percent in economics,
    7 percent in pure sciences and engineering,
    10 percent in history, 9 percent in humanities
    such as classics and religious studies, 12
    percent in literature, and 7 percent in other
    social sciences like anthropology, psychology,
    and sociology. Other concentrations include
    international relations, business/finance/
    accounting, philosophy, and policy studies."

    Для успешного поступления надо хорошо сдать LSAT, иметь то что назъвается "diverse background", а затем успешно пройти собеседъвание.

    *Law School

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  • russian girl
    started a topic Master's Degree. Pomogite prinyat reshenie!

    Master's Degree. Pomogite prinyat reshenie!

    Dobrogo vremeni sytok, dorogie forymchane!

    Reshila obratitsya k vam za sovetom...
    Ya okonchila yniversitet v Rossii, otychilas 5 let po spetsialnosti ekonomist-menedzher.
    Seichas ya sdelala diploma evaluation cherez WES i planiryy poiti ychitsya v odin iz yniversitetov New-Yorka. Tak kak y menya yzhe est Bachelor's degree, ya bi hotela polychit Master's degree. Ya zhivy i rabotay v New-Yorke so statysom Green Card holder.
    Problema moya zaklychaetsya v sledyyshem: y menya est ogromnoe zhelanie stat immigratsionnim advokatom. Mogy li ya poiti ychitsya v Law School, imeya diplom ekonomicheskogo vyza? Znachit li eto, chto nyzhno bydet nachinat vse s nylya? Skolko let mne nyzhno bydet ychitsya?
    Ili poiti po legkomy pyti i vibrat analogichnyy spetsialnost (Finance, Accounting, General Management)?
    Bydy rada lyubomy sovety! Esli kto-to yzhe bil v pohozhei sityatsii, pozhalyista, podelites opitom!
    Zaranee spasibo.